This has been quite an interesting year. My classes have been challenging and my experiences have been stimulating. Every day offers a new lesson that prepares me for my future.
I recently took the time to reflect upon the impact that my REU experience had on my academic year. When discussing summer plans for 2011 and summer memories for 2010, I can't help but think that the REU was a step in the right direction. Many of my peers worked regular, non-career related summer jobs, earned a decent pay, but have nothing to show for it. After my experience, I have been able to share with others the benefit of using one's summer productively, even it isn't used for an internship or study abroad experience. Some students have asked me about what it's like to participate in a REU, and I am pleased to share my views with them- the opportunities for learning, the new experiences, new connections to help expand one's network, and memories that will help direct one's professional career. The REU made me seriously consider research, but I have decided to pursue more industrial related endeavours this summer.
The REU benefited me by giving me something concrete to discuss during interviews since it was one of my most significant college experiences. I was able to talk to my interviewers about the soft skills that I sharpened, such as discipline, time management, and self-motivation. I also discussed the ways in which I participated in the research of a graduate student.
In retrospect, even though I didn't get out of the experience what I expected, I still feel benefited in several regards.